Monday, April 18, 2011

Blog 13- 4/18/11

So I must say that today’s class was probably my favorite. All the food was delicious and I even got to take home that pasta salad stuff which made my day.
                I brought in homemade peanut butter chocolate chip brownies. I found the recipe on this website that had a whole bunch of ‘sustainable’ cooking ideas and such. I’ve never made anything homemade from scratch before so it was going to be interesting either way. They turned out better than I thought and actually tasted good considering I forgot them in the oven for an extra fifteen minutes. Everything I used to make the brownies was organic with the exception of the chocolate chips which I already had at my house. However, I do not think that everything I used was completely sustainable. I forgot to look at the packaging, but I’m pretty sure most of it was not locally grown. The ingredients were flour, peanut butter, butter, salt, baking powder, chocolate chips, sugar, vanilla, and eggs. I’m not sure if I would have been able to find locally made everything, but I’m sure I could have tried. If I were to compare side by side the conventional products and an ‘eco’ product I would look at a few things: where it was made and packaged, the amount of packaging, the water input, if it was organic/free range/etc, and if it is healthy for you! I would like to suggest that all classes should have a required eco food day. :)

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