Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog 9- 3/21/11

Energy will always be needed so it should make sense that we try to conserve it or find a way to use other methods that won’t deplete what the Earth has left.  We rely so much on fossil fuels these days that it is hard to imagine using some other form of energy. For what it is worth, I think energy it too expensive! But that is probably the view of every American out there. In reality the energy that is left is probably priced too low. If something is rare and in high demand…the price usually goes up. That is what is happening to fossil fuels. But in all honesty I hope it does not go up too much, then I won’t be able to afford it!
Conservation is not a dirty word to me. I think it is a word of beauty and intelligence. I learned today that Jimmy Carter basically said if you are cold put on a sweater instead of turning the heat up. I think this is a great idea! I do this all the time when it is cold, and when it is hot I just wear shorts and tank tops. It’s worth it to me to dress accordingly instead of messing with the temperature of my house. I’m one person; I do not need an entire house cooled to the point of me being comfortable, I can just dress more for the occasion. I would say to Jimmy “Cardigan” good job trying to get this point across. Too bad that Americans are not as receptive as the two of us!
I believe we should be looking more into alternative energy sources because fossil fuels are going to run out eventually. Maybe not in my lifetime, but probably in my kids or grandkids lifetimes. I do not want them to suffer because of what we did in this generation. If I had to pick one alternative energy source to put on a pedestal, I would have a very difficult time. They all have their benefits as well as pitfalls. I think I would have to say harnessing the tide would be one of the top sources of renewable energy. The mechanisms can be placed anywhere where there is a good tide. There would be the loss of the aesthetic component for beach dwellers, but I think that is something that can be sacrificed.
As for myself, I can reduce my energy intake immediately. I can take shorter showers, only wash full loads of clothes, use the dishwasher less, dress more “appropriately” in my house so I don’t have to change the temperature, and I can unplug everything I am not using. In the next five years I can try to switch my truck to a more eco-friendly ride that gets higher gas mileage. I can even ride my bicycle more to places that are close by instead of driving.

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